Matthias Dezes
Trainer for interviews, press roundtables and press conferences with the main focus on financial industry and commercial law firms
The trained business journalist (Financial Times Germany) has been advising CEOs and managing directors, especially in the finance sector, for some 20 years, as well as partners in international commercial law firms on all relevant issues relating to media appearances, customer presentations and wording. For years, he was responsible for Citibank’s annual press conference (today: Targobank), advising Adam Opel AG’s board of directors and preparing private equity managers and commercial lawyers for press briefings and interviews on TV programs. Matthias Dezes clearly communicates to his customers what journalists expect from their interlocutors and how they have to act in order to penetrate their own messages. His training offer includes preparation for press conferences and interviews, IPOs and analyst conferences. His keynote speeches “How the media works” and “Why managers should go into political talk shows” are regularly booked for corporate events. Matthias Dezes has been a lecturer in corporate communications at the International School of Management (ISM) Frankfurt am Main since 2008.