The DIKT Expert Talks as podcast for listening:
Impulses and perspectives in the crisis from experts, advisors and storytellers.
This is where decision-makers and experts from business, science, politics and sport have their say. Topics include crisis communication, storytelling, business, startups, executives, employee communication, media use, crisis prevention and body language.
Through his many years of work as a communications consultant, media trainer, journalist and business angel, Nikolai A. Behr has built up a large network of experts, managing directors, board members and executives from all areas of social life. In his podcast in the DIKT Experten-Talk series, he will ask you questions about society, business life and their personal experiences.
This talk format is not only about entertaining storytelling, but above all about passing on the wealth of experience of the discussion partners to the interested public.
How to do successful online marketing on LinkedIn? LinkedIN hacks with expert Alexander Gesell
Is LinkedIn, the best B2B online marketing portal during the crisis?
The founder of the ImagineGrowth Institute, Alexander Gesell, has been a sought-after expert, consultant and keynote speaker for online marketing & sales and RPA & AI automation for many years. In Impulses & Perspectives, he talks about the numerous opportunities LinkedIn offers to extend its reach. Especially now, in the Covid-19 crisis, LinkedIn can help you reach new customers and improve your own reputation.
What will the future of the aviation industry look like after corona?
Dr. Marc Szepan, lecturer in International Business at the University of Oxford, Said Business School, was an executive manager in the airline industrie. He is an expert for technical and digital aviation businesses and gives in the DIKT Expert-Talk with Host Nikolai A. Behr an outlook of the possible scenarios for the airline and aircraft industrie after the Covid-19 lockdown.
Doris Bullus – overcoming difficult professional situations with resilience during crisis (COVID-19)
Doris Bullus is an inner strength and resilience expert. As a working professional, wife and mother of a teenager, she knows what it takes to prioritize self-care and self-love in order to thrive and live a fulfilled life.
in Impulses & Perspectives with host Dr. Nikolai A. Behr, Doris Bullus gives insights about how she works during her coachings but more importantly she talks about the process of finding resilience and inner strength especially in regards to the COVID-19 crisis.
Dr. Richard Polifka – Why AI is the key to solve Corona-Crisis & also Climate Change-Challenge
Artificial intelligence (AI) will help us to solve the huge challenges of our time. CERN scientist and physicists Dr. Richard Polifka from Geneva, Switzerland founded a consulting company to bring businesses and science together. He is working not only at the famous CERN research center, one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research, his mission is also to help companies being more successful using AI. In Impulses & Perspectives he explains DIKT CEO Nikolai A. Behr why Artificial Intelligence detected already in December 2019 the corona virus outbreak out of data analysis and how AI is able to support to find a medicine or vaccine agains the Covid-19 virus. What chances and risks does he see in a corona-App which is planned by the European governments?
William Shen – Why businesses in China & Europa are still facing enormous challenges due to Covid-19
Chinese Manager William Shen is a Merger & Acquisition director at Core Industries in Munich. He talks in Impulses & Perspectives about the situation for businesses in China now after the first corona-wave. Has the economy in China already found its way back to a normal working rhythm? How has the Corona crisis changed the way companies work today in China? Are there indicators for an improvement in the economic situation? Will there be a change in the German-Chinese business relations after the Corona crisis? In what way the corona crisis has accelerated the development of the digital economy? How is the corona pandemic seen in China today? What is the situation for a manager in China right now? How are the relations between US and China?
The German-Chinese business relations are one of the best.
Udemy Bestseller TJ Walker – Use the crisis & qualify yourself with online courses for new skills
TJ Walker is one of the most famous media trainers in the world and he is one of the most successful online course authors on Udemy. In Impulse & Perspectives we talk to him today about how to use the Covid 19 crisis to improve your personal skills with online courses to be better prepared for the job market after the crisis. With over 420,000 students and 155 courses at Udemy, TJ Walker has a wealth of experience with remote learning and knows which courses are particularly in demand and helpful.
Kevin Paetz: Crisis shows the true business leaders. Help your customers, employees & those in need!
Kevin Paetz, a very experienced Canadian CEO, manager, founder and business coach with clients all over the world talks about what customers really need now in the Covid-19 crisis. In impulses & perspectives – the DIKT Expert Talk, Kevin Paetz is talking with host Nikolai A. Behr on leadership and support in crisis times. Topics they discussed are: – In the crisis you have to reach out to your clients and ask them how you can support them – You can’t teach a starving man philosophy, you need food first. – Show all your real resources. – Think from your clients perspective.
Communications coach Kyle Bullus – Crisis Communication in Covid-19 times
Communications coach & expert Kyle P. Bullus is talking with Dr. Nikolai A. Behr about crisis communications in Covid-19 crisis times.
– What is the best way to work in teams during this corona-virus times in home-office?
– The importance of personal fitness in crisis times.
– It’s not a crisis, it’s a challenging situation.
Trust expert Jan P. Ditgen – The importance of trust in the Covid-19 crisis
Trust in the crisis? What is the importance of trust, especially in times of #homeoffice? – Trust, what is it actually? – What is the importance of trust, especially in times of crisis? – How can we rebuild trust? Speaker, moderator and cabaret artist Jan Ditgen answers these questions today in the DIKT Expert Talk with Dr. Nikolai A. Behr. For Jan P. Ditgen, it is very important to start building trust in good time, because for him, trust is one of the most important pillars for private and professional success.
You can find out more about Jan P. Ditgen at:
Marc Wallert – Autor des Bestsellers “Stark durch Krisen” setzt in der Krise auf Disziplin und Fitness
Impulse und Perspektiven mit Marc Wallert, Bestsellerautor und Entführungsüberlebender im Gespräch mit Dr. Nikolai A. Behr. Er wurde vor 20 Jahren in Malaysia entführt und war für 140 Tage im Dschungel gefangen. Welche Erfahrungen er dabei gemacht hat und was man daraus für die aktuelle Covid19-Krise lernen kann, verrät er in unserem DIKT Experten-Talk.
(In German language only!).
Unternehmerin Christine Walker – Bleiben Sie in der Covid-19 Krise positiv, agieren Sie agil und schauen Sie mutig voraus
Impulse und Perspektiven mit Christine Walker, eine der bekanntesten Unternehmerinnen Deutschlands, Speakerin und Autorin des Buches “FREIE TAGE FÜR DIE CHEFETAGE” Im DIKT Experten-Talk mit Dr. Nikolai A. Behr verrät sie ihr Credo: Effizienz und Zeit gewinnen durch gute Arbeitsstrukturen.(In German language only!).
Crisis expert Rainer Westermann – Stay positive in the Covid-19 crisis, act agile and look ahead boldly
Impulses and perspectives with crisis communicator Rainer Westermann in conversation with Dr. Nikolai A. Behr.
Here are answers to the most important questions for companies in the Covis19 crisis:
– How do we work successfully in the home office?
– How do I as a manager look after my employees online?
– How can I optimally reach suppliers and customers?
(In German language only!).
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